Event Dates

Add to Calendar 20220224T0001 20220226T2359 2022 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference Ancestral Futurisms
Join us virtually on February 24-26 2022! 

In an effort to accommodate the online venue, we will limit the number of presenting sessions. However, because one of the defining aspects of the CMRS conference is the community we cultivate by coming together, there will be more opportunities for connection, networking, collaborating, and engagement for all attendees, both who are new and those familiar with the field.

Virtual 2022 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference kelly.f.jackson@asu.edu

Conference Theme

Ancestral Futurisms:
Embodying Multiracialities Past, Present, and Future

The issue of time has long been debated in mixed-race studies. Racist histories of anti-intermixture, anti-miscegenation, and the illegality-and at times, the selective acceptance-of interracial marriage and unions are not simply components of our collective past but continue to motivate cultural producers, theorists, and community organizers to imagine more just futures. For those of us who think, teach, and organize around multiraciality, the issue of time remains an important one to consider. The 6th Critical Mixed Race Studies conference listens to the past as it gathers under the theme "Ancestral Futurisms" in order to bind alternative histories of multiraciality with their reimagined futures. In doing so, we concentrate on the embodiment of multiplicity and the pursuit of social justice. By challenging past conceptions of multiraciality dictated by white supremacy, we seek to decolonize the politics of multiracialism by producing new practices and radical hope. The goal of our virtual convening is to build and imagine intersectional counterspaces that foster community and collective action among artists, community members, students, clinicians, and academics invested in the critical field of mixed race studies. While the conference will be online, it is important to remember that those of us in the U.S. will be engaging from Indigenous land that has been contested through migrations and racial encounters. 



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